Sign me Up for
Divine Intervention 2024

14 - 20 June 2024 | MALAYSIA

Get ready for the Trip of a Lifetime!

To join us, please select and choose the best payment plan option for your needs now and make your payment. We will receive a notification immediately and you will hear from us within 1 day with all the information you need to plan your trip and scheduled in for your first coaching call to begin your healing journey!

Register Now and Be in Night School

Last day to Register 7th June 2024

Pay In Full


and save!

6 Months

Payment Plan

Taking Divine Intervention changed my life! I was feeling all sorts of fear come up for me before I registered and now I know why! My body recognised this feeling of jumping levels as an unknown and seems scary and dangerous, so it took me a while before I can fully commit. I am so grateful that I went despite the fears. I am now a much stronger, confident, lighter person able to go out there and live my purpose! Knowing I got this and I am safe and capable of so much more. Thank you to the teachers and most importantly, myself for taking the leap. Forever grateful!

- Betty Anne, USA

What's Included

⋆ 7 Solid days of Shamanic teachings, activations and downloads into the Mayan Teachings and learnings.

⋆ Receive Healing on yourself and your family

as well as learning how to heal others

⋆ Powerful Ceremonies and Initiations
including Cacao Ceremony and more

⋆ 3 Online Sessions to anchor in your learning experience + Self Pace, Self Learning platform for continuous learning

⋆ Accommodations at an retreat space,
double occupancy for all 6 nights

⋆ Delicious meals + snacks everyday

⋆ Transportation to and from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (designated times only)

What's Not Included

⋆ Your round-trip airfare to and from home

⋆ Additional therapy or healing sessions offered on site should you wish to add on to your experience

⋆ Souvenir shopping, personal consumption items, laundry, gratuities

⋆ Travel Insurance (which we highly recommend)

Cancellation Policy

Deposit is non-refundable. If you cancel before 45 days prior to our trip start date, we will refund 50% unless you find a replacement.
This does not include any portion of the deposit. If you do not find a replacement, your deposit will be forfeited. No refunds will be given

if you cancel later than 45 days prior to our trip start date.

*Trip cancellation insurance is always recommended when making travel plans.

Still undecided? Let us help you!

Schedule a call with us and see how we can make this happen
